Thursday 20 June 2019

How to make Trees for Dioramas | Artificial Trees for Architectural Mode...

Hello Craftopedians!
Wire Trees

Wire Trees made of Wool

As the Title suggests, this is an Architecture Student Hack video. As an archie student myself, I can understand the amount of hard work required in making Models of our designs. Especially, when it comes to making realistic landscaping. Hence, this is the first video of its series on making simple trees with copper wire and Green Wool yarn.

Materials required -
- Electrical Copper wire (available in electrical shops)
- Good quality Scissors/ Cutting pliers.
- Green colour wool yarn
- Fevicol/Glue

Wednesday 5 June 2019

All About the Enigma of Subliminals | Usage of Subliminal Messages in Law of Attraction

When it comes to the concept of Subconscious mind, I was always intrigued by its power. Countless people, including enlightened gurus have said that 90% of our reality is influenced by our subconscious mind. It is therefore, very important that we learn to reprogram our subconscious mind.
The moment our subconscious mind starts to think the way we want it to think, the neurons in our mind will vibrate at the frequency of our demand. As we know, those vibrations will take us towards our desires.

How to Reprogram your Subconscious mind ?
 One way to do that is to listen to subliminals.

What are Subliminals ?
 They are hidden messages which are conveyed to you in such a way that your conscious brain cannot perceive it. But, our subconscious mind is known to store a lot of information which may or may not be registered in our conscious mind. The subliminal messages should be given to us in a constant routine so that they become dominant thoughts in our subconscious mind.

How to make Subliminals ? 
 I make audios which contain subliminals messages. They are simply affirmations whose amplitude is reduced just to a whisper and is mixed with some other calming music like rain or ocean. They work best when the affirmations are in your voice. Your subconscious mind will feel them more comfortable to accept. When you make them on your own, you get the intention and mindset aligned to your affirmations.

Record you affirmations in present tense. As in - "I got into my dream college", "I'm losing weight". Ensure that your voice is monotone. I've read that such simple tone is easy for subconscious mind to understand. Then, using an Audio mixer, import the affirmations and a relaxing music file. Reduce the amplitude (Volume) of the affirmations upto -35 decibel (Adjust the number until you hear it just as a mild whisper). Then, overlap this sound with the music such that you cannot understand anything of the affirmations. If needed, loop the affirmations to adjust the length of the relaxing sounds.

Export the file into Mp4 format. Then, just listen to them as often as possible. You can listen to them while doing any works. They work best if you put them on and fall asleep. During you sleep, the mind goes into theta state which is most susceptible to the subliminal messages. You can listen to them during your afternoon naps or you can put them on during sleeping at night as well.

Some studies say that it takes 21 days of continuous subliminal intake for results. I personally believe that it totally depends on out mood during listening to subliminals. Try to visualize all your affirmations while listening to subliminals. And, feel good about it. This will accelerate your results.

Saturday 1 June 2019

Growing Lotus in a Tub from Seed | Apartment Gardening

Happy Summer Craftopedians!

Summer always was a tough time for my inner garneder. Regardless of how much water you give, plants wither due to the sheer summer dry winds. But, this harsh season is perfect for a lovely plant which you can try to grow. Lotus, being a water plant, apartment gardeners assume it is only the privilege of independent house owners with a huge pond. Well, that's not true. Lotuses are known to be grown in buckets and water tubs as well. If taken care of, they will bloom as well. Lotuses like heat. They simply LOVE sunlight. They thrive very much in hot and humid tropical regions. 

That being said, there are two ways of getting your plant. Through seed and through tuber. If you plant an year old tuber directly, you can expect blooms within 3 months. A plant propagated through seed might take 12-18 months to bloom. Nevertheless, watching a plant grow from seed is a blissful experience. Hence, I bought seeds from 

About the Plant - 
Lotus seeds are known to restore their vitality even for 100 years. It's because of their tough shell which protects the inner embryo from external damages. To make it germinate, we must find a way to let water get inside the seed. Lotuses like heavy and muddy soil. As said before, they grow crazy if adequate amount of heat is given. Presently, at my location (Hyderabad, India) the maximum temperature is around 40 degree celcius along with 8 hours of direct sunlight for the plant.

First Step - To prepare the seed for germination.

You just need to make a 'hole' in its outer shell. I've seen Lotus Growing videos in YouTube which suggests you to use a sharp knife to cut off a small portion of the outer shell. I've tried that and nearly injured myself! Luckily, I came across a simpler method.
Use Sandpaper! Buy any soft grade of sandpaper and rub the seed on it until you find a cream coloured layer inside revealed. At this point, stop rubbing as the inner seed should not get damaged. Then, put the seeds into a cup of clear drinking water of lukewarm temperature. Leave it for 12 hours.

Now, you should find the cup something like this -

The water should have turned brown and the Lotus seeds should have swelled in size. If that happens, it means the seed will germinate soon. Change the water with fresh, clear, lukewarm water. In fact, change the water every day.

Germinated Lotus Seed (Day 2)

These are the photo updates of the Lotus seed growth - 

Lotus Plant Seed (Day 3)

Lotus Plant Seed (Day 5)

Lotus Plant Seed (Day 6)

Lotus Plant Seed (Day 9)
Then, the first leaf opened - 
Lotus Plant (Day 11)

Lotus Plant (Day 11)

Lotus Leaf (Day 11)

Lotus Seeds with Roots (Day 11)

How to make Trees for Dioramas | Artificial Trees for Architectural Mode...

Hello Craftopedians! Wire Trees Wire Trees made of Wool As the Title suggests, this is an Architecture Student Hack video...