Saturday 22 December 2018

Use Meditation to Reprogram your Mind for Manifestations #102

Think of the mind as a road and thoughts as vehicles. Most of the time, this road has a traffic jam. Many thoughts flood our mind often that we get exhausted trying to attend all of them. The best way to calm down the mind is to meditate.

As a LoA beginner or as a person having difficulty trying to manifest, meditation is a good place to start. Meditation slows down the traffic of thoughts and enhances the brain’s concentration power. This means that you will have more control over your mind and you will be able to consciously decide on what thoughts you want to put your energy into. Meditation also helps you to lower the risk of getting irritated, depressed or angered. 

When I say Meditation, it does not mean hours and hours of sitting silently and concentrating. Every meditator in the world started with 3-5 min per day. And, no one was ever successful in blocking the thoughts even after weeks of practice. Meditation is an art and it requires some time to master this art. You just need to sit down for 5 minutes per day and focus on breathing. Let the thoughts come and go. Don’t resist them nor get carried away by them. If you get distracted, just simply come back to breathing. Slowly, your distractions will reduce. This is a sign that the mind is getting calm day by day. Meditation makes Law of Attraction a breeze to use. I would recommend using an app for beginners called ‘Head Space’ in Play Store. This app is great as you can put on your earphones and instructions will be passed on to you as you meditate.

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